Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > CompilerLockTimeout


Integer (milliseconds)



The CompilerLockTimeout parameter specifies the time after which the compiler lock times out in the JADE development environment, the JADE Debugger, and the JADE Painter.

The default value of 10,000 milliseconds specifies that the compiler lock times out after 10 seconds. The minimum value is 200 milliseconds and the maximum value is 3,600,000 milliseconds (that is, one hour).

When the lock timeout occurs, a message box is displayed, with the text Compiler Lock Timeout and the user name of the process.

This parameter applies only to the JADE development environment, the JADE Debugger, and the JADE Painter and it has no impact in a single user JADE development environment.

Parameter is read when …

The node in which the method is being compiled is next initialized.